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HIGH GEAR journal is a publication of the Gay Educational and

Awareness Resources (GEAR) Foundation of Cleveland, Ohio. It is

distributed free to charge in any establishment, and with any

organization, that will permit distribution. We are a non-profit publication, and all proceeds not used to pay printing costs and service fees are set aside for the use of the GEAR Foundation's Community Center.

The presence of the name or picture or other representation of an organization, place of business, or person(s) in HIGH GEAR is not necessarily indicative of the sexual orientation of such organizations, businesses, or persons, and may not be used as evidence of the sexual orientation of any contributors.

We welcome all contributions of written materials, art work, or photography by members of the gay community. All materials submitted for publication are subject to editorilization. We cannot guarantee the return of materials submitted for publication, whether used by HIGH GEAR or not, unless it is accompanied by a stamped, self-addressed envelope.

Anyone interested in working on the Staff of HIGH GEAR should inquire by calling 696-5330, or write to HIGH GEAR STAFF, P.O. Box 6177, Cleveland, Ohio 44101.


provided courtesy. The National Gay Task Force.

MIAMI The first regularly scheduled, commercially sponsored television show in the United States, prepared by and for members of the gay community makes its debut October 25 on WKID-TV, Channel 51 (UHF) in Miami. It will be entitled "Blueboy Forum" and its hosts will be Don Embinder, publisher of the nationally distributed gay magazine, Blueboy. Brian Weidikind is the producer.

Although Blueboy magazine is directed éxclusively to gay

men, Blueboy Forum will also be directed to, and involve participation by, the lesbian community in Miami. It is intended as well to inform members of the heterosexual community about gay concerns and lifestyles.

The show will feature invited guests from around the country, and Embinder has already begun efforts to syndicate the show nationally. There are presently 29 weekly gay radio shows in 14 states, but none on television.

Tentatively, the first four Blueboy Forum shows will involve local political figures in the Miami area discussing

Florida gay-rights efforts; representatives of the major presidential candidates outlining their stands on gay issues; an interview with three female impersonators at the Fontainebleau in Miami; and a talk with a gay graphologist. Each half-hour program will also have three minutes of national gay news.

WKID, which contracted the show for an initial 13 weeks after two months of negotiations, is owned by Johns/Koenig, Inc. Blueboy Forum will air on Mondays at 11 p.m.

Businesses or organizations wishing to advertise in HIGH GEAR "DORIAN!" THEATRE COMING TO THE VAULTS

may obtain advertising rate sheets and other information by calling 696-5330, or writing to Advertising. HIGH GEAR, P.O. Box 6177, Cleveland, Ohio 44101.

The deadline for HIGH GEAR publication dates is as follows: Advertising by the 30th of every month, camera-ready and composition ads. Written material by the 5th of every month. News items until publication.

HIGH GEAR is available at bars, baths, universities, businesses and elsewhere the second Friday of every month.

HIGH GEAR is copy righted under federal law. Any reproduction of its contents is prohibited unless either written or verbal permission is obtained.

Coordinating Editors..


Advertising and Public Relations

Art Coordinator



.John Nosek, Leon Stevens ........ Matt Phillips ..Rudi Haaken

Albert Morrill, Matt Phillips .......David Holleb, Jerry Juszczyk, Chris Jacobson, Matt Phillips, Martha Watson

Reviews and Features..Don Avery, Alan Gould, Marc Lewis, Michael Madigan, Mitchell Menigu, Donna Minkler, Aaron Ross, Gloria Sorenson and others.






..Anne Ritchey .A. Mark Joseph Tom Eville ..12,000

.Akron, Barberton, Berea, Brooklyn, Canton, Cincinnati, Cleveland, Cleveland Hts., Columbus, Dayton, Fairview Park, Lakewood, Lima, Lorain, Mansfield, Middleburgh Hts., Painesville, Parma, Pama Hts., Piqua, Rockbridge, Rocky River, Sandusky, Shaker Hts., Springfield, Steubenville, Toledo, Warren, Youngstown.

by E.N.M.Y.

Stereo thighed in the depths of As the last day of death quadrophonic eyes

with increasing pressed breath peering-hypnotized, dragon of lies ragged and bleeding dripping to hell


Flaming head released in vapors (with my brainwaves) grey lead



monstrous youth.

With the anguished cries

from the breast

of the sky

his metal wings melt

from the ray of your eye.

All seeding, my thinking has sweet swelled

I'll tear at your heart you've torn up my mind. here lies my being forgotten by time.

CLEVELAND Artiste extraordinnaire Tim Tavcar (featured in May 1976's High Gear) has announced his directorial presentation of Dorian!, a musical comedy, opening October 1st at The Vaults, 1281 West Ninth Street in Cleveland. With music by Errol Pearlman, lyrics by David Rush, and additional dialogue by Tavcar, Dorian! which Tavcar calls "elegant trash" has never before played outside of Chicago. Cleveland's premiere will sport a cast of nine and according to the director is "a kitchen sink of Oscar Wilde."

The themes of the play include the stress on beauty and youth, living in the present and relating. The story line introduces Dorian who has an artist friend, Basil, who is working on a portrait of Dorian. On the day it is to be finished, Lord Henry visits and is awed by Dorian's youth and beauty. Lord Henry proceeds to seduce Dorian with eloquent soliloquy which proudly proclaims, "The only way to get



C.O.L., Central Ohio Lesbians, is an organization of lesbian women in Columbus, Ohio and neighboring areas. It was founded in Columbus in October 1975 and is operated as a nonprofit organization. Coordinators facilitate the functioning of C.O.L., but business is conducted by consensus of the members.

The main goals of C.O.L. are: 1) to increase political awareness and encourage political activism to insure that lesbians eventually acquire full civil rights. 2) to sponsor alternative social events for the lesbian community. 3) to provide

rid of a temptation is to yield to it."

Later, Dorian peers at the portrait and becomes increasingly uncomfortable, realizing he will soon be ugly and old. He utters a wish that the portrait: age in-

stead of him, and this, in essence, is what happens. Dorian gives in to sensuality and experiments with everything possible to define the limits of his existence.

services not met by society at large and 4) to educate the general public by dispelling myths about homosexuality perpetuated by ignorance and fear.

C.O.L.'s primary purpose however, is to help lesbian women achieve a meaningful self-identity and develop lesbian pride.

C.O.L. membership is open to any lesbian woman who is seeking an organization within which she can meet and interact with other women living lesbian lifestyles and/or wishes to become involved in reversing society's ignorance and fear of lesbianism. Membership entitles

Hope for the gay alcoholic

The remainder of the play depicts Dorian's subsequent encounters with other people some funny, some sad, among them, a virgin stripper. The music includes huge production numbers, some folk-rock and a pair of campy tunes. Among the live musical selections are "I Love to Eat Men and Boys" and "Climb Down Every Staircase," a satirical jab at Rodgers and Hammerstein's message tunes.

Beginning October 1st. Dorian! will play each Friday, Saturday, and Sunday evenings at 8:00 p.m. through October 31st. Admission to the show is $3.50. For those interested in combining the show with dinner, a buffet starting at 6:00 p.m. is available Sunday only for $7.00. An open gay, Tavcar hopes that both gay and non-gay persons will attend. He is hoping primarily for support from the gay community, but feels that the production is universal enough to appeal to all people. For more information call The Vaults at (216) 241-8677.

the member to vote at C.O.L. meetings, to receive a monthly mailing which includes pertinent information and the C.O.L. calendar, and to discounted admission at C.O.L. sponsored


C.O.L. events (e.g., dances, pot lucks, programs) are open to any lesbian woman in the community and to any woman who is considering adopting a lesbian lifestyle.

For further information contact: C.O.L. P.O. Box 8393, Columbus, Ohio 43201 or call Marilyn at (614) 291-9114.

We Care (216) 687-0416